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Our commitment to every student
We want all our students to succeed in life. So, at Six 21, we form a partnership with you that lasts beyond your time here so that you can be confident you are on the path towards future success.
While you are at Six 21

You will form tight-knit coaching groups, supporting each other to grow as individuals, as leaders, and as caring and collaborative young adults.
You will have regular one-on-one meetings with your coach, supporting you academically and emotionally.
We will support you through the process of university, college and job applications – giving you access to high quality information, arranging visits to a broad range of institutions, and offering expert guidance from our internal careers team and our extensive network of partners.
When you leave Six 21

You will still be able to ask for advice and guidance, particularly around landing your dream job in the first few years after university.
We will run networking events, inviting potential employers and influential partners to meet former students.
You will join our Six 21 graduate community, giving you the opportunity to reach hundreds of alumni with questions or requests for advice.
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